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Showing posts from December, 2020




  [12/1, 4:51 PM] MY TESTIMONY: 6 THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW ABOUT PRAYER But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. MATTHEW 6:6 INSPIRATION We should not pray to be seen and heard of men. Though there is a place for public prayer, especially in our church meetings, we should be a people of prayer, with most of it "done in secret." We believe in the power of God to answer our prayers, hearing them even when no one else does. LET'S PRAY Teach us to pray, O Lord. Help us to seek deeper, closer, more constant communion with you in prayer, and find it. Our souls thirst after God, after the living God, and they find no rest until they find it in you. Help us to find time to pray and to find power in prayer, praying according to your will. [12/2, 10:02 PM] MY TESTIMONY: 6 THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW ABOUT PRAYER Always in every pray


 [12/1, 11:25 AM] MY TESTIMONY: Forgive me for losing faith at times, Heavenly Father, for I am weak and foolish at times. I must have tested Your patience and am so thankful that Your love of me has never waned. Hear me Lord! I am so lucky to be able to love You! It is all that I want to do. I pledge my servitude to You this day and always, Amen. [12/1, 4:48 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Blessed Prayer Lord my Almighty God and Father to man, spare us wrath and sin, and grant us in its stead devotion to thee. Help us not anger or trespass against you Lord, but respect and fear your power. May we be blessed to know you, our Heavenly Father, to whom we give our trust and faith in order to protect and serve. Almighty God and Father, I praise your power. Amen. [12/1, 4:57 PM] MY TESTIMONY: GOD'S PURPOSE Dear God, I commit all my plans, dreams, and aspirations into your hands. These are only products of my thoughts; what I truly want is what you want for me because I know that that is what will tru


 [12/1, 11:20 AM] MY TESTIMONY: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 INSPIRATION Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto thee!" I have doubted the Lord’s plan for me, having the audacity to demand that He shows me a sign that I can understand. What a fool I have been at times! Look around you: is everything you see, hear, taste, and feel not enough? The Lord is dependable, far more than we are. Strive to be more like Him, more dependable and faithful. It is the greatest gift that we can offer the Lord, and the only one worth giving. LET'S PRAY Forgive me for losing faith at times, Heavenly Father, for I am weak and foolish at times. I must have tested Your patience and am so thankful that Your love of me has never waned. Hear me Lord! I am so lucky to be able to love You! It is all that I want to do. I pledge my servitude to You this day and always, Amen. [12/2, 8:50 PM] MY TESTI


 [11/17, 6:14 PM] MY TESTIMONY: You, Lord, have proved to us who You are, by powerfully changing our hearts, minds, wills, and lives. You have confirmed to us the truth of Scripture and shown Yourself to be the Son of God. Being born of God, we have fellowship with You that the world cannot have because they refuse to believe. We confess with Peter Your full Divinity and humanity, and we know that "flesh and blood did not reveal this" to us. [11/18, 11:21 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Night Gracious God, I am still but a child and a student to your word. I thank you for putting on this earth the men and women who strive to do your work day and night, and pray that you may watch over them Lord, and give them your blessing. In them I vow to listen, in them I vow to study your name. Give them strength in all they do Lord, for I am still but a child and a student, and they are our guides in knowing you better. Amen. [11/18, 11:27 PM] MY TESTIMONY: 13 Nov. 2020 Dear God, You are a great myste


  [11/26, 11:44 PM] MY TESTIMONY: If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities. 2 Corinthians 11:30 INSPIRATION Paul had much to boast about compared to other men, but he knew that he was nothing and would be foolish to boast. But when God used him in spite of his weaknesses and faults, that was a clear call to boast, not in himself, but in God who had worked so powerfully through him, and in spite of him rather than because of him. LET'S PRAY O God, I have nothing worth boasting about, nothing that can earn merit before You, nothing that can contribute to my own salvation. I am Your workmanship, created unto good works but not created by good works. I renounce all boasting and exalting of self. You must increase, Lord, but I must decrease, in my own estimation. [11/26, 11:59 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evi