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But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.



We should not pray to be seen and heard of men. Though there is a place for public prayer, especially in our church meetings, we should be a people of prayer, with most of it "done in secret." We believe in the power of God to answer our prayers, hearing them even when no one else does.


Teach us to pray, O Lord. Help us to seek deeper, closer, more constant communion with you in prayer, and find it. Our souls thirst after God, after the living God, and they find no rest until they find it in you. Help us to find time to pray and to find power in prayer, praying according to your will.


Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy,For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;



Isn’t it nice when a friend tells you that they’ve been praying for you? It makes you feel loved. Or when a woman at Church tells you that they pray for you daily? It brings a smile to your face. Praying for fellow believers brings fellowship. Even when they are far away, it strengthens them, strengthens the Church, and helps you love them more. Prayer is powerful enough to help us forgive our enemies; if it can help us forgive our enemies, then it can certainly help us love our brother better. As we present our requests to God, let us make sure we are praying for our brothers and sisters in the LORD.


Heavenly Father, you created a good work in us and you will bring it to completion. LORD I pray for my church. Please give each of the members love for You and love for others this week. Please help Pastor to shepherd our church well, and make the elders wise and humble. As each of us go about our days, let us draw nearer to you. Give our church unity, and bring unity to the universal Church. Give your Church strength, make us kind and compassionate, and let us never lose our love for You. You protect us and You care about each member of Your Church individually. Thank You for the fellowship we have together. In Your holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

[12/6, 10:01 PM] MY TESTIMONY: DAY 3

I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

JOHN 17:15


Prayer shouldn’t just be for ourselves or our peers. We are also to pray for our leaders in the body of Christ. Leaders are always under scrutiny and pressure to make important decisions. We are to continue praying that they are led by the wisdom of God. For our leaders in the body of Christ, we are to pray that the Lord remains the source of their strength and that they will never stray from the call upon their life.


Dear God, I would like to take this time out to pray for my leaders. I pray for the leaders in the body of Christ, Lord I know that they often face challenges that are probably more than my own. Lord, I pray that as they carry out the work you set out for them to do, may they keep their eyes fixed on you. May they never be led astray, O Lord, and may they always take delight in you, O God. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

[12/6, 10:08 PM] MY TESTIMONY: DAY 4

My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.



There are other Psalms that speak of praying to God morning, noon, and night. And we know we can pray and be heard at any time of day. There is not magic in morning prayers. But the special value in them is this: that we begin the day aright, looking up to you for guidance, getting our hearts in tune with you from the very start of each day.


O Lord, let us seek you early. Let us seek you at the beginning of every day and throughout every day to its close. In the morning, let us commit to live that day for you; at noon, let us measure our progress mid-way; in the evening, let us reflect on how well we succeeded. Amen.

[12/6, 10:13 PM] MY TESTIMONY: DAY 5

And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

Acts 3:41


The Lord loves to hear our prayer. Within our daily lives, wherever we can, it is good to always keep open a line of communication to him. When many of us were young, prayers may have been simply things you said before bed or maybe before a meal. Whilst there is nothing wrong with this, personally I would encourage all followers of Christ to it much more regularly, in ones daily activities. They need not be long prayers, simply only short or brief lines addressed as to one’s friend, in sharing one’s thoughts and feelings, in asking for guidance as regularly as possible. In this, in regular communion with God, may we improve our ability to listen and to hear when he speaks to us.


Father, I thank you for hearing my prayers, no matter day or night. I thank you for being by my side in times of crisis and hurt, as well as joy and laughter. Continue to be by my side Lord, as I move through this world a disciple of your name and truth. Let me never stray from you, but always keep open a line of communion and communication, eager to hear your wisdom, as I am always eager to rejoice in your name, Amen.

[12/6, 10:16 PM] MY TESTIMONY: The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Numbers 6:26


What a beautiful prayer! Actually, it is part of The Priestly Blessing, which was used traditionally after the morning sacrifice at the Temple. Today, however, it is often used as the benediction at the end of a synagogue service. In three short verses, the priests prayed for blessings and peace and for the “countenance” or face, of God to shine upon those being blessed. These three verses invoke good, beautiful things for the believer. How much better would the world be if we prayed this blessing over not only our loved ones, but also over our not-so-loved ones?


Father, I thank You that You have shown me this beautiful prayer. It reminds me that I am to pray Your blessings for others. I am to pray for good things for other people and for Your peace in their lives. Help me to do this more often and help me to do this especially for the people that I don’t necessarily want to pray for. Help me remember that as I pray for blessing on their lives, I will see blessings in my own. Amen.


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