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 [12/1, 11:25 AM] MY TESTIMONY: Forgive me for losing faith at times, Heavenly Father, for I am weak and foolish at times. I must have tested Your patience and am so thankful that Your love of me has never waned. Hear me Lord! I am so lucky to be able to love You! It is all that I want to do. I pledge my servitude to You this day and always, Amen.

[12/1, 4:48 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Blessed Prayer

Lord my Almighty God and Father to man, spare us wrath and sin, and grant us in its stead devotion to thee. Help us not anger or trespass against you Lord, but respect and fear your power. May we be blessed to know you, our Heavenly Father, to whom we give our trust and faith in order to protect and serve. Almighty God and Father, I praise your power. Amen.


Dear God, I commit all my plans, dreams, and aspirations into your hands. These are only products of my thoughts; what I truly want is what you want for me because I know that that is what will truly be best for me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;


Lord, God of Heaven and Earth, You are the God of peace. Be my refuge from my troubles. Be my shelter in the storm. Be my rock surrounded by sinking sand. Your name is great. You are mighty. You do not cause turmoil within me though, You bring peace. Can I have peace that comes from You? I want to find refuge and rest in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

[12/2, 8:50 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Dear God, I am brokenhearted. I am overwhelmed with sadness. You understand pain as Your son suffered on the cross – be near me, O Lord. But, Father, I know I can call on You and You will give me peace and rest. You see my pain and You will give me the strength I need to overcome this trial. Turn my mourning into gladness, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

[12/2, 9:17 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Night

Teach us, Lord, to believe in your power and not to despair over our present circumstances. We know you can do great things with very little things. We know you delight to work with what is weak, that your strength might be glorified.


Father, Thank You for protecting from the deep water and the burning flames. You fight my battles so that I am not overcome. With You by my side, I am never alone. Amen.


Heavenly Father, you created a good work in us and you will bring it to completion. LORD I pray for my church. Please give each of the members love for You and love for others this week. Please help Pastor to shepherd our church well, and make the elders wise and humble. As each of us go about our days, let us draw nearer to you. Give our church unity, and bring unity to the universal Church. Give your Church strength, make us kind and compassionate, and let us never lose our love for You. You protect us and You care about each member of Your Church individually. Thank You for the fellowship we have together. In Your holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Dear God, I simply want to express how grateful I am for this gift of assurance I have because I am in Christ. Whenever trouble comes my way, I do not collapse, because I know that I remain solidly on your foundation. It is well with my soul because of your faithfulness, O God. Thank you, Father, for this precious gift of salvation that has totally changed my life. I am at rest because of your love, O Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


Dear God, I put my trust in you and you alone. Father, may I never stray from the path you have set before me. May my life be an expression of your love, your holiness, and your righteousness. Lord, I pray for any of my friends, family, and colleagues who have not known you yet. Father, may you help me minister to them effectively so that they receive salvation. May they see the error in their ways, O Lord, and may their hearts be convicted of their sin. I pray that they will turn away from all wickedness and disobedience, and they will turn to you. Thank you, Lord, for keeping me and helping me in times where I am tempted to go astray. You are my solid rock, O God. It is only in you, I can be still. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


I pray for Your guidance and light, my Lord, for I am but a lamb in the wilderness without you. When darkness settles down upon me, may you light a path to your loving embrace. When darkness obscures my way, fill my soul with the courage to trust in Your Holy word. For Your Testament is the lamp upon my feet, whose flames consume all darkness. Hosanna in the Highest, Amen.

[12/4, 8:41 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Night 120320

O Author and Finisher of my faith, I believe you but still struggle with unbelief. Help my unbelief, Lord, that I may not question your power to overcome every trial or temptation. You have worked mightily in many others before me, and I know you can do the same for me. Amen.

[12/4, 8:51 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Morning 120420

Abba Father, You stand with us even when it seems that we are alone. Give me the courage to stand up and hate evil, to not feel discouraged in dark times, and to be faithful even when others' faith wavers. It is only through You that I will find the way, the truth, and the life. I submit myself totally to ye, wondrous God, and it is in Your name that I pray, Amen.

[12/4, 9:01 PM] MY TESTIMONY: Night

Help me to worship you aright, O God. Teach my heart to hallow your holy name. Teach my lips to praise you according to truth. Teach my hands to work for your glory and my feet to go where you send me. Make all my life an act of worship of you, O Lord.


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