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Healing Certification Program Overview

Our Mission

The Christian Healing Certification Program (CHCP) is an online ministry training program with an emphasis on offering an educational experience often overlooked in traditional seminaries. CHCP presents a practical, theologically grounded option for anyone looking to expand their ministry training.

CHCP embraces a holistic approach, providing a hands-on experience for anyone with an interest in Physical Healing, Inner Healing or Deliverance. Our mission is to provide knowledge applicable to frontline ministry efforts, without taking students away from their home base. This online program allows students to take as many or as few courses as needed to suit their schedule and their ministry needs. Perfect for ministry leaders, those in the medical field and the lay person, this program is designed for the experienced and inexperienced alike.


The Program

The Christian Healing Certification Program offers three primary areas of study – Physical Healing, Inner Healing and Deliverance.

The Physical Healing Track is designed to train and equip students to minister God’s miraculous healing for the physical body. Starting out with a Biblical Basis for Healing, you will be trained in Global Awakening’s Five Step Prayer Model and Words of Knowledge. You will hear from seasoned leaders such as Bill Johnson, Heidi Baker and other internationally known healing ministers that share personal keys to their ministry of healing, incredible testimonies, encouraging personal breakthroughs and impartation.

The Inner Healing Track approaches the restoration of the soul from a comprehensive approach. First, you will learn how to hear God’s voice and walk in a greater understanding of His extravagant love. This track will highlight and minister biblically regarding the influences on a person’s heart that could lead to or have already led to unbelief. This training will equip you to minister to the “inner man” and will give you the training to teach others.

The Deliverance Track is designed to give students a strong foundation for ministering to individuals who find themselves encumbered with the demonic. This foundation builds upon a simple yet effective process for administering deliverance rooted and grounded in love. This course soundly and methodically equips individuals to bring freedom to those in bondage.


Classroom Structure

Limited to approximately 15 people per class, each online course will be eight weeks in length. Class instructors will facilitate and encourage student discussion on course materials, including any books, video and audio files covered by the class. Coursework will consist of a set number of hands-on activities per course. First level courses require approximately 10-12 hours a week of study time, with each successive course requiring more extensive coursework and a higher level of academic expectation.

The courses are facilitated by Dr. Randy Clark’s associates and others he has personally trained. These instructors have also received additional training in online education from Dr. Arlin Epperson. The program is led by Michael Hutchings, MDiv, Doctoral Candidate, Paul Martini, Program Developer, and Remy Lehner, Administrator.


Credentials & Experience

The entire program has been developed by Dr. Randy Clark with assistance from Dr. Arlin Epperson, PhD. Dr. John Ruthven, PhD, and Dr. Gary Greig, PhD, former professors of theology at Regent University in Virginia, have also contributed to the program. Each track will be directed by experts in the field of study.

Dr. Randy Clark, an expert with thirty years of experience in healing, oversees the Physical Healing Track. He currently leads Global Awakening, an international ministry with a particular focus on equipping people to minister in physical healing and deliverance. Global has spent the last seven years offering ministry trips and schools of healing and impartation nationally and internationally.

Micah Joy Williams, an associate of Global Awakening with 10 years of ministry experience, has developed the Inner Healing Track that approaches the restoration of the soul from a comprehensive approach. Micah has trained with renowned ministries that specialize in healing the “inner man” (the mind, will and emotions).

Dr. Rodney Hogue, an associate of Global Awaking, has developed the Deliverance Track. As the Senior Pastor of Community of Grace Church, he brings over thirty years of practical ministry experience to this program.

In addition to the high academic standards set by these people, we will also draw upon the experience of healing ministers with powerful healing ministries of their own, some of whom may not have doctorates, but certainly have the credentials of Heaven.

While currently non-accredited, CHCP is in the process of becoming accredited by a number of Christian education associations and institutions.

Our Vision

Training & certification in Biblical healing

For more than half a century, anti-Christian groups have been attempting to gain recognition, power, and authority in the area of healing. To get their practices into hospitals, they have been focusing on producing studies on their healing methods that could be published in scientific, peer-reviewed journals. Meanwhile, the Christian community was asleep, not realizing the importance of having studies completed and published on the efficacy of Christian prayer.

Providentially, Randy Clark came across a letter from Dora Kunz, the co-founder of Therapeutic Touch. In the letter, she asserts that they would publish their studies, but Christians wouldn’t. She was correct in her assumptions.

Randy’s concern for the hospitals of America has been growing since the late 1990’s. He saw them moving away from their Christian heritage in favor of alternative healing practices rooted in anti-Christian beliefs. Today, many American hospitals advertise alternative energy healing practices. Some insurance companies even pay for Reiki or Therapeutic Touch. Much of this advertising is misleading, often proclaiming, “Learn to heal like Jesus with the laying on of hands.” Have you ever stopped to wonder why Jesus is mentioned in these ads? Realizing that the majority of Americans are either Christian or have a Christian heritage, advertising agents use Jesus as a marketing strategy.

The primary problem is that out of all the healing modalities mentioned by the National Institute of Health, there is only one that really represents healing as Jesus did. It isn’t Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, or Healing Touch; the only true method of healing is Christian intercessory prayer.

The Pontifical Office of the Vatican published a report indicating a need for training opportunities to be offered through Christian auspices, rather than non-Christian options that focus on balancing energy. The Christian Healing Certification Program is the only online healing training available that is rooted in the Christian faith. Developed by PhDs, with the advice of MDs, it emphasizes the true commissions of Jesus.


What will it do for You?

This program will give you the skills you need to see more people receive healing in the areas of Physical Healing, Inner Healing and Deliverance. It will empower you to move effectively in the area of healing within the theology of Christianity. Your ability to discern when a system of healing is departing from the core beliefs of Christianity will be strengthened.

Students enrolled in this program can receive training from the beginner level, taking one track or all three. Students may also opt to specialize in one, two, or all three tracks.


What will it do for the Christian Community?

The Christian healing model utilized in the Christian Healing Certification Program offers a balanced, biblical healing model for the Church. This model embraces the wisdom and value of all the various streams of healing within Christianity. It does not attack other models, but looks for what each offers to the ministry of healing. This model can be readily adapted for hospitals, clinics, churches, workplaces, hotels, and any other place where someone needs healing. It has been used by thousands worldwide and has been positively discussed in academic books published by Oxford Press and Harvard Press.[1] It is pastoral, psychologically-sound, biblically-based, and proven effective in scientific studies.


What Will It Do For Local Churches?

Randy Clark used over thirty years of pastoral and ministry experience to develop this program. Dr. Epperson, recruited by Randy as a developer of the Inner Healing/Soul Care track and the Deliverance track, has been ministering in these areas for over thirty years. Rodney Hogue, a Southern Baptist pastor, helped develop the Deliverance track alongside Dr. Epperson. Randy and Rodney will complete their doctorate of ministry degrees in 2014 from United Theological Seminary, a Methodist seminary; both presently have Master of Divinity degrees from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary respectively.

Randy has been involved in training people in healing and deliverance since 2001. His ministry work has taken him to six continents where he worked with churches across every denomination. With the local church as the focal point for this program, Randy developed the online program so that students would not have to leave their home or church to receive training.

Those who complete the program, finishing each course in all three tracks, are well equipped to come on staff as the Pastor of Equipping. This is a new staff position desperately needed in churches if they are to fulfill the Great Commission and raise up disciples. Graduates who complete the whole program are well equipped to train others in the local church. Over the course of the program, they will gain hands-on experience, developing lessons and writing their own ministry team training manual.


What will it do for Healing Rooms?

Each course in the Christian Healing Certification Program is set up to provide the student with a stronger understanding of the principles of healing and the doctrinal basis for healing. Students will receive practical, hands-on experience, building confidence and cementing their ability to be led by the Spirit in ministry. By the end of the course, students will have received impartation to increase the anointing for the ministries of healing and deliverance and to activate the spiritual gifts. This training in physical healing, inner healing, and deliverance leaves students well prepared to serve in Healing Rooms. Exposure to positive perspectives on various Christian emphases provides beneficial development in humility and fosters a greater sense of unity among team members. Healing Room directors in particular would benefit from having a background in this training.


[1] Candy Gunther Brown, ed., Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Healing, ed. Candy Gunther Brown (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc., 2011).

Candy Brown, Testing Prayer: Science and Healing (New Haven, Connecticut: Harvard University Press, 2012).

Our Statement of Faith

WE BELIEVE that God is the Eternal King. He is an infinite, unchangeable Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, goodness, justice, power, and love. From all eternity He exists as the One Living and True God in three persons of one substance, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory. 

WE BELIEVE that God's kingdom is everlasting. From His throne, through His Son, His eternal Word, God created, upholds and governs all that exists: the heavenly places, the angelic hosts, the universe, the earth, every living thing and mankind. God created all things very good. 

WE BELIEVE that Satan, originally a great, good angel, rebelled against God, taking a host of angels with him. He was cast out of God's presence and, as a usurper of God's rule established a counter‑kingdom of darkness and evil on earth. 

WE BELIEVE that God created mankind in His image, male and female, for relationship with Himself and to govern the earth. Under the temptation of Satan, our original parents fell from grace, bringing sin, sickness, and God's judgment of death to the earth. Through the fall, Satan and his demonic hosts gained access to God's good creation. Creation now experiences the consequences and effects of Adam's original sin. Human beings are born in sin, subject to God's judgment of death, and captive to Satan's kingdom of darkness. 

WE BELIEVE that God did not abandon His rule over the earth which He continues to uphold by His providence. In order to bring redemption, God established covenants which revealed His grace to sinful people. In the covenant with Abraham, God bound himself to His people Israel, promising to deliver them from bondage to sin and Satan and to bless all the nations through them. 

WE BELIEVE that in the fullness of time, God honored His covenants with Israel and His prophetic promises of salvation by sending His only Son, Jesus, into the world. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, as fully God and fully man in one person, He is humanity as God intended us to be. Jesus was anointed as God's Messiah and empowered by the Holy Spirit, inaugurating God's Kingdom reign on earth, overpowering the reign of Satan by resisting temptation, preaching the good news of salvation, healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead. Gathering His disciples, He reconstituted God's people as His dying for the sins of the world; Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day, fulfilling the covenant of blessing given to Abraham. 

WE BELIEVE in His sinless, perfect life, Jesus met the demands of the law and in His atoning death on the cross He took God's judgment for sin which we deserve as lawbreakers. By His death on the cross, He also disarmed the demonic powers. The covenant with David was fulfilled in Jesus' birth from David's house, His Messianic ministry, His glorious resurrection from the dead, His ascent into heaven, and His present rule at the right hand of the Father. As God's Son and David's heir, He is the eternal Messiah‑King, advancing God's reign throughout every generation and throughout the whole earth today.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church. The Spirit brings the permanent indwelling presence of God to us for spiritual worship, personal sanctification, building up the Church, gifting us for ministry, and driving back the kingdom of Satan by the evangelization of the world through proclaiming the word of Jesus and doing the works of Jesus. 

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is our abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe in the present ministry of the Spirit and in the exercise of all biblical gifts of the Spirit. We practice the laying on of hands for the empowering of the Spirit, for healing, for impartations of gifts of the Holy Spirit and for recognition and empowering of those whom God has ordained to lead and serve the church. We also recognize that another of the two ways recorded in the Bible that God empowers people is through individual or corporate prayer and waiting upon God, and in this latter scenario there is no laying on of hands. We value both of these ways of receiving impartations and empowering experiences from God. 

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit inspired the human authors of the Holy Scripture so that the Bible is “God-breathed.” We receive the sixty‑six books of the Old and New Testaments as our final, absolute authority, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. 

WE BELIEVE that the whole world is under the domination of Satan and that all people are sinners by nature and choice. All people therefore are under God's just judgment. Through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus and the Kingdom of God and the work of the Holy Spirit, God regenerates, justifies, adopts and sanctifies through Jesus by the Spirit all who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. By this they are released from Satan's domain and enter into God's kingdom reign. 

WE BELIEVE in the one, holy, universal Church. All who repent of their sins and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and form the living Body of Christ, of which He is the head and all are members. 

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: water baptism and the Lord's Supper. Both are available to all believers. 

WE BELIEVE that God's kingdom has come in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, that it continues to come in the ministry of the Spirit through the Church, and that it will be consummated in the glorious, visible, and triumphant appearing of Christ ‑ His return to the earth as King. After Christ returns to reign, He will bring about the final defeat of Satan and all of his minions and works, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, and the eternal blessing of the righteous and eternal conscious punishment of the wicked. Finally, God will be all in all and His new heavens and the new earth, recreated by His mighty power, in which righteousness dwells and in which He will forever be worshiped.



You will note as you go through the various Physical Healing course levels that some subjects are repeated in every course level. This is intentional, knowing that learning takes place where there are multiple ways the information is being processed, and repetition is an important part of the learning process. You will receive the most important concepts through video, audio and reading as well as being asked to implement what we are studying in activities, clinical experiences, and reflective writing about what you are learning.

Track Objectives

To equip healing ministers with the understanding and spiritual tools necessary to become effective.

To provide a balanced and acceptable process for healing for those in need of physical healing, focusing on love and compassion and the worth of persons who come for ministry.

To provide a solid biblical theology for the ministry and practice of healing.

To help establish healing ministry teams in local churches or Healing Rooms.

To foster the inclusion of healing ministry in the regular preaching and teaching of local churches.

Course Information

Course duration: 8 weeks per course

Coursework: Your coursework will consist of video teachings (interviews and sermons), as well as reading assignments. The videos will be provided online in your course; the books must be purchased separately before your class begins.

Homework: Homework is due each week on Thursday and Sunday. Your homework is based upon each week’s assigned videos and reading portions.

Facilitators: Our classes are led by facilitators, who support you as you learn through the video teachings and the required reading each week. Your facilitator will grade and respond to your homework posts. Their job is to ensure you are learning and growing as you interact with the material.

Class Participation: You are required to respond to other classmates’ posts as well as to your facilitator’s responses to your posts. This aspect of class participation is part of your grade.

Grading: Your grade is determined by the successful completion of homework (see Criteria for Grading in syllabus sample) as well as class participation. Your facilitator will grade you.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Physical Healing 1

What to Expect

What People Are Saying

Syllabus Sample

Click to download PH1 Sample Syllabus »

Please note this is a sample only. It is meant to give you an idea of the structure of the course and the workload expected. Due to possible revisions to the syllabus we encourage you to find the most updated required reading for this course on The complete, most up-to-date syllabus will be emailed to you upon registration.

Physical Healing 2

What to Expect

This second course in the Physical Healing track will build on key foundations established in Level 1. We will investigate the healing ministry of Jesus, the disciples, their relationship with the Father, and cooperation with the angelic realm. We will also compare this with counterfeit modalities such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Healing Touch.

By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the following:

Understanding of the importance of intimacy with God for healing.

Understanding of the priority of grace in healing ministry.

Awareness of the sacrifice in healing ministry.

Thorough study of how Jesus prayed for the sick, as found in the gospels.

Biblical foundation on how the early disciples, not just apostles, ministered healing after the Ascension.

Thorough New Testament foundation for healing.

Awareness of various Christian healing streams, and their unique value.

Understanding of different world views of healing, compared and contrasted with Christian doctrines.

Understanding of the Angelic realm, and the difference between Angelic help and Spirit Guides.

Physical Healing 3

What to Expect

This third course in Physical Healing is the first of the two advanced levels of training and certification within this program. This level would be for someone who is being certified for a fulltime Church staff position in the Equipping ministry, or to be released as an Associate Instructor of an entire Healing School, a Healing Rooms Director, or a chaplain in a hospital. The chaplain would be best equipped if he or she took Levels three and four which deal more with healing and the medical field.

This level is preparing you not just to minister healing, but to become proficient at teaching others how to pray for healing. Therefore, practical assignments are required to reflect not only your ability to minister, but also your ability to teach others to minister.

Physical Healing 4

What to Expect

This fourth course in the Physical Healing track is the last of the two advanced levels of training for certification within this division of the program. These two levels would be for someone who is being certified for a fulltime Church staff position in the Equipping Ministry, or to be released as an Associate Instructor of an entire Healing School, a Healing Rooms Director, or a chaplain in a hospital, or someone who simply wants to be the best minister of healing they can be.

Inner Healing Logo


The passage that best summarizes this track is Isaiah 61, which in summary says that the Holy Spirit is going to heal the broken hearted and set the captives free individually, corporately, and generationally. This is a tremendous promise for Christians and our churches yet it has been badly neglected and needs to be restored. Inner healing, also known as emotional healing or soul care is a crucial part of what we do. Jesus actually quoted this scripture when He was inaugurated (Luke 4) and established it as a core focus for His life and legacy.

The care and cure of souls has been the job of godly people from the time of the Exodus. Moses received the word from God that he must teach the Israelites how to live so they would get “None of the Egyptians’ diseases”. The priests were the first community health officers in the Bible and we have inherited that mantle. Jesus, the Great Physician, gave us marching orders to go and make disciples to do everything He did. Our approach is not to equip a few inner healing specialists who touch only a small percentage of those who need the love and power of God. Rather, we follow Ephesians 4:11 that calls us to equip all of God’s people to do the ministry of healing, nurture, and growth.

Our goal is to train mature Christians how to raise up families, churches, and small groups that live together in ways that become ongoing healing & growth communities. We have seen such communities develop and thrive in congregations, psychiatric hospitals and small groups and hope God will allow us to multiply them all over the earth. This is most powerfully accomplished by equipping believers how to continually live in the love, truth and power of God from day to day.

Our courses use the DREAMS acrostic:

Didactic teaching through books and visuals

Reflections about the lessons with fellow learners and others as well as writing papers and prayerful thoughts

Experiential learning through practice

Accountability from our teachers who insure each student follows through on assignments

Modeling by observing special films and videos

Supernatural interactions with the Holy Spirit

Course Information

Course duration: 8 weeks per course.

Coursework: Your coursework will consist of video teachings (interviews and sermons), as well as reading assignments. The videos will be provided online in your course; the books must be purchased separately before your class begins.

Homework: Homework is due each week on Thursday and Sunday. Your homework is based upon each week’s assigned videos and reading portions.

Facilitators: Our classes are led by facilitators, who support you as you learn through the video teachings and the required reading each week. Your facilitator will grade and respond to your homework posts. Their job is to ensure you are learning and growing as you interact with the material.

Class Participation: You are required to respond to other classmates’ posts as well as to your facilitator’s responses to your posts. This aspect of class participation is part of your grade.

Grading: Your grade is determined by the successful completion of homework (see Criteria for Grading in syllabus sample) as well as class participation. Your facilitator will grade you.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Emotional Healing 1

What to Expect

Course Focus

What People Are Saying

“Thank you Randy Clark for developing one of the best Inner Healing Tracks ever and making it available to the nations of the world. I really enjoyed Inner Healing Level One especially as I learnt to dialogue with God through these assignments. This online course was one of the best investments I have ever made on my journey towards wholeness and true inner healing. There is an anointing and grace that comes over you as God reveals His passionate love and forgiving heart. Highly recommended for every believer in Christ.” — Sherry Frontin, Trinidad and Tobago

“Inner Healing 1 was a big revelation to me. First, I learned that there are a lot of things in my own life that needed to be made whole, or healed. Second, I see so many applications in the lives of people that I minister to. Third, this has given me a new tool to see results from healing prayer; I recently prayed for an old man with pain in the feet and a cloudy eye. The foot pain left as I prayed the five step prayer model, but the eye did not go clear. Then I asked inner healing questions and when I prayed again his eye went clear and he could see better.” — Mac Barnes, New Jersey

Emotional Healing 2

What to Expect

Ministering to the inner man must be based on what Scripture says about who we are. There are many events that take place in a person’s life that can cause them to question who they are, and be unclear about that fact. As people hear and receive truth in that area, many other areas in their life are affected. One cannot truly be free from hurt in their life, until they see who they were created to be.

This course will explore what the Bible says about Jesus’ death and resurrection, and how that applies to us. There will be times of connecting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit to hear truth directly to one’s spirit. The goal of this course is transformation, and for belief to arise in one’s heart, thus setting the stage to cause transformation and belief to arise in others’ hearts.

Course Objectives:

To believe what was accomplished through Jesus' death and resurrection.

To believe deliverance can be used to set people free.

To believe that we can receive all of our value from Christ.

To believe that our identity is in Christ.

To believe that forgiveness is powerful.

Emotional Healing 3

What to Expect

Coming into belief is the goal of those who want to know Christ more. They pursue Him as the prize and are rewarded with transformation of their heart into more belief. On this journey, there may be obstacles that are revealed. It is important to recognize what these obstacles are and to hear truth regarding them. Often, these obstacles can be met with pat answers, whether patronizing or ignorant, when there are real answers infused with wisdom and freedom available from the Lord. This course will continue to explore what the believer has been given because of what Jesus’s death and resurrection accomplished, as well as who the person of Holy Spirit is. There will be opportunity to practically apply the training in Levels 1 and 2, and more insight given into some steps to bring people from unbelief into belief.

Course Objectives:

To believe in the covenant that was accomplished through life.

To believe the Lord has answers to obstacles in people's lives.

To believe and understand the role Holy Spirit has in our lives.

To believe that people are meant to be free.

To believe the Lord's tools to free people are effective.

Emotional Healing 4

What to Expect

Level 4 in Emotional Healing and Soul Care Ministry will focus on the six primary areas listed below. You will note as you go through course levels that some repetition for the purposes of review may occur. This is intentional: learning takes place where there are multiple ways the information is being processed, and review is an important part of the learning process.

Level 4 is typically for individuals who are:

In a full time Church staff position in equipping ministry,

An itinerate minister focusing on heart issues,

An Associate Instructor of a Healing School,

A Healing Room Director and/or trainer, or

A Chaplain in a medical environment.

Course Objectives:

Learn the root causes of feelings and behavior.

Bring relief to those who are stressed, depressed and/or anxious.

Take a leadership role in developing a collaborative work environment that incorporates the use of all the means of grace available to care for the souls of Christians in a local congregation.

Teach Believers how to apply God’s grace and to rest in His love.

Encourage students to develop healing-growth communities.

Help students learn to identify and relieve generational family problems.

Deliverance Logo


Deliverance course track is intended for pastors, assistant pastors, church leaders, evangelists, and those who wish to establish a deliverance ministry in their church or as an independent ministry. It is for those who wish to bring this vital information to their church congregations, as well as those who have an informal ministry in their homes. It is for those upon whom God has laid a burden for those who need to be set free from darkness

Track Objectives

Equip members of the body of Christ with the understanding and spiritual tools necessary to become effective deliverance ministers.

Provide a balanced and acceptable process for praying for those in need of deliverance from darkness, focusing on love and compassion and the worth of persons who come for ministry.

Provide a solid biblical theology for the authority, ministry and practice of deliverance.

Help establish healing ministry teams in local churches including deliverance ministry teams.

Foster the inclusion of preaching and teaching about all forms of healing ministry in local churches.

Course Information

Course duration: 8 weeks per course

Coursework: Your coursework will consist of video teachings (interviews and sermons), as well as reading assignments. The videos will be provided online in your course; the books must be purchased separately before your class begins.

Homework: Homework is due each week on Thursday and Sunday. Your homework is based upon each week’s assigned videos and reading portions.

Facilitators: Our classes are led by facilitators, who support you as you learn through the video teachings and the required reading each week. Your facilitator will grade and respond to your homework posts. Their job is to ensure you are learning and growing as you interact with the material.

Class Participation: You are required to respond to other classmates’ posts as well as to your facilitator’s responses to your posts. This aspect of class participation is part of your grade.

Grading: Your grade is determined by the successful completion of homework (see Criteria for Grading in syllabus sample) as well as class participation. Your facilitator will grade you.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Deliverance 1

What to Expect

What People Are Saying

“In Deliverance 1, Ed Rocha spoke in one of the videos on having compassion and intimacy with God as a key to ministering in Jesus’ name. I was praying for a man in church one Sunday who had 10 years of severe back pain and nothing was happening. Suddenly I remembered Ed saying when he had compassion on people, God moved. Immediately I started to feel God’s compassion for the man and boom, he could turn his neck with no pain. This continued until he was healed. He shared the testimony in front of the church and we proceeded to pray for about 25 people who were having back/neck pain. It was amazing! In Deliverance 1, I received the understanding that the “gifts” of the Spirit are exactly that, “gifts.” That is why you can see a person walk in power and have poor character; the gifts are not given on merit. But to walk in authority encompasses gifts AND relationship…relationship and intimacy with the Father (John 14-17). In Deliverance 1, I received the revelation that a ‘A balanced healing ministry is one that ministers salvation, deliverance, and healing to the whole person as a triune being made in the image of God as body, soul, and spirit.’(Horrobin)” — Barbara Hogan, Ohio

Deliverance 2

What to Expect

This second course in deliverance ministry will focus on the three primary areas listed below. You will note as you go through course levels that some repetition for the purposes of review may occur. This is on purpose, knowing that learning takes place where there are multiple ways the information is being processed and review is an important part of the learning process.

Students will be exposed to three primary areas:

Reinforcement of principles found in Pablo Botarri’s 10 step model for deliverance.

Building a theological foundation for ministering deliverance based on material presented.

Exposure to using Global Awakening Deliverance Ministry Questionnaire.

Course Objectives:

To equip students with the understanding and spiritual tools necessary to become effective healing ministers.

To provide a balanced and acceptable process for healing, focusing on love, compassion and value for the person whom they minister to.

To help establish healing ministry teams in local churches.

To foster the inclusion of healing ministry in the regular preaching and teaching of local churches.

Deliverance 3

What to Expect

This third course in deliverance ministry will focus on the following objectives:

Moving from deliverance basics to deliverance ministry.

Understanding the difference between a general calling to minister healing and deliverance, to a specific deliverance ministry.

Understanding the Occult.

Understanding the relationship between inner healing and deliverance.

Setting up a deliverance ministry in your church.

Preparing ministers to equip the saints to do deliverance.

Developing proficiency in training others to do deliverance.

Deliverance 4

What to Expect

This 4th level will be very practical in nature as you put together a process for equipping a team for ministry in your ministry setting. Throughout the 8 weeks, you will be thinking through how you would equip others and build a ministry team. You will share your progress and eventual process as the weeks go on and the completed training outline by week 8. Material from Global Awakening’s Ministry Team Training Manual and chapters 9 & 11 from the Deliverance Manual 3 be valuable as you build your equipping track.

Also, this section will focus on rebuilding Godly strongholds. It is difficult to work someone through a process that you haven’t been through yourself. Even if it may not specifically apply to you, we ask you to do the rebuilding portion yourself as much as you are able. This will help you bring others through it. In the reporting sections, please do not feel obligated to share personal information. If you know someone who desperately needs to go through this rebuilding process, feel free to bring them along simultaneously.

Levels of Healing Certification & Student Residency

Categories of Certification

Beginner Level - Practitioner Certification

Completing only Levels 1 and 2 of all three tracks, Physical Healing, Emotional/Inner Healing and Deliverance

A total of 6 courses.

No residency required.

Residency Registration Cost: $0

Intermediate Level - Specialist Practitioner Certification

Building on the practitioner certification level, you would specialize in one specific track and complete all four levels of that track.

A total of 8 courses.

Residency required.

Residency Registration Cost: $200

Advanced Level - Master Equipper Certification

Completing all levels of all three tracks, Physical Healing, Emotional/Inner Healing and Deliverance.

A total of 12 courses.

Combined residency required.

Residency Registration Cost: $300


Although the Christian Healing Certification Program (CHCP) is currently non-accredited, we are in the process of seeking accreditation by at least one Christian association. CHCP is currently certified by an independent board of certification. This board is comprised of doctorates from the communities of medicine, theological education, secular education and psychology.  


Residency Program

The Specialist Practitioner & the Master Equipper certifications require a residency program to be completed before your certificate is awarded. These residencies can be done easily from your home base with the long distance support of a Global mentor via email, phone and Skype.

Specialist Practitioner Residency

The Specialist Residency will require a four month period after the completion of one track that focuses on:

The student writing a training manual that integrates the disciplines of the completed track; Students will need to use at least 3 sources from the classes and 3 outside sources, their manual cannot have more than 25% of Scripture blocks or book quotes. Another 25% can be personal examples of prayer and testimonies. Your assigned mentor will help in the compilation of this manual.

Teaching sessions to identify, train and deploy a team of prayer ministers in their context of ministry. These teaching sessions will need to be recorded on video and uploaded to a designated website for the mentor.

Read an assigned book in the specified track and submit a five page reflection paper.

A mentor will be assigned to walk beside you through this process and offer additional support. The Residency Mentors will be facilitators from completed level 4 courses. Students will be required to arrange monthly meetings with their mentor to discuss their progress in the residency. Students who complete all four levels and the residency will receive a Certificate of Certification from Global Awakening. When possible, coordination with a leader or mentor in the local context is encouraged to offer additional support. It will be the student's responsibility to identify and relate to the local context mentor. Cost of the individual Residency is $200.00.

Master Equipper Residency

The Master Equipper Residency will require a six month period after the completion of all three tracks that focuses on:

The student writing a training manual that integrates the disciplines of the completed tracks (Physical Healing, Inner Healing and Deliverance); Students will need to use at least 3 sources from the classes and 3 outside sources, their manual cannot have more than 25% of Scripture blocks or book quotes. Another 25% can be personal examples of prayer and testimonies. Your assigned mentor will help in the compilation of this manual.

Teaching sessions to identify, train and deploy a team of prayer ministers in their context of ministry. These teaching sessions will need to be recorded on video and uploaded to a designated website for the mentor.

Read an assigned book in each discipline related to their track and submit a five page reflection paper.

A mentor will be assigned to walk beside you through this process and offer additional support. The Residency Mentors will be facilitators from completed level 4 courses. Students will be required to arrange monthly meetings with their mentor to discuss their progress in the residency. Students who complete all four levels of each track and the residency will receive a Certificate of Certification from Global Awakening. When possible, coordination with a leader or mentor in the local context is encouraged to offer additional support. It will be the student's responsibility to identify and relate to the local context mentor. Cost of the individual Residency is $300.00.


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