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In a season of contending for Revival, we have seen momentous occasions like the gathering at AzusaNow. Many of you may be wondering Where do we go from here? I believe all the prophetic signposts in this historic season point in one direction: We are to go after the Billion-Soul Harvest.
If we want to see the fruition of these amazing prophetic words, we must realize that the key to global evangelism is the Glory of God.
Recently, at AzusaNow and at Harvest Rock Church, I felt prophetic confirmation in my spirit that Psalm 24 is a key passage for the Body of Christ at this time. The part of this psalm that I want to highlight is the declaration that our God is the King of Glory:
Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.” – Psalm 24:7
It is the King of Glory who wants to invade your home, your city and your nation. He wants to bring His glory—the tangible, manifest presence of God—to your sphere of influence so that nothing can remain the same.


Resounding throughout Scripture is the prophetic promise that the glory of God is destined to flood the whole earth.
The prophet Isaiah declares that when God’s glory is released, it will trigger a harvest of souls:
Arise, shine; for your Light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you… The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” – Isa. 60:1-3
In the many Revivals throughout Church history, each has a clear link to an outpouring of God’s tangible, manifest presence. Here are just three highlights:
  • The Great Awakening (1738) — Godly men like George Whitefield and John Wesley took to open air preaching in Bristol. Some gatherings consisted of 30,000 people as the masses were awakened and converted to Christ.
  • The Second Great Awakening (1790s-1850s) – On one occasion, Charles Finney simply walked through a factory in Rochester, NY, and conviction suddenly fell upon the people in the factory—to the extent that they all stopped working and had a worship service instead! The majority of the city would end up getting saved.
  • Azusa Street (1906) – As a result of this outpouring, the fires of the Holy Spirit have spread all over the globe. Out of the 1 billion evangelicals in the world today, 800 million of them would be considered Pentecostals or Charismatic.

 Take this fire with you

If you have given your life to Jesus Christ, the good news I have for you today is that Jesus, the King of Glory, lives within you! 
D.L. Moody said:
The world has yet to see what God will do… through a man totally consecrated to Him.”
And I completely agree with him. believe that one person full of the Holy Spirit can shift the atmosphere and bring about historic revival.

Much Love,


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